Tiny Acres consists of just under 3/4 an acre of land and is located
at 2373 Grayling Street in Hamtramck Michigan. We have spearheaded a
local land conservation movement to re-purpose city lots into green
spaces that will enrich and better the community.

New for 2024:
We won an NRCS grant to landscape fabric and woodchip all of our garden paths to make them more ADA-compliant. We are also installing more perennial flowers and a new beehive to help our pollinators thrive. We are also going to get all of the raised beds ready for spring planting as well as add a few new raised metal beds to the back of our land, where our sunflower patch used to be.​​
​Tiny Acres history
Since March of 2011, Tiny Acres has been operating a small scale
community farm. The first 3 years we focused on selling at Eastern Market and metro Detroit area restaurants. We continue to grow a variety of heirloom, non GMO, organic fruits and vegetables. The last three years Tiny Acres has shifted our focus away from CSA and Market sales, to youth outreach and education. Some sustainable practices we employ are utilizing re purposed, recycled wood from the historic Hamtramck Keyworth Stadium to construct raised beds. Last summer we received an ambassador grant from Michigan Neighborhood Exchange and taught workshops on how to build a rain water collection system. Tiny Acres is also applying season extension techniques with our USDA hoop house. We take pride in testing our soil make sure all safety standards of our soil test below any hazardous lead levels. We have continued to improve our soil conditions by applying crop rotation practices, experimental cover crops, planting 16 perennial fruit trees and a unique array of wildflowers.
2018 was a big year for us! We are excited to announce our new partnership with Holbrook Elementary and The Nature Conservancy. Our first project consist of installing a pollinator garden with students at Holbrook Elementary's playground area. Our second project will be installing elevated beds with perennial plants that will act as a clean air buffer for the school loading zones. Lastly, we plan to start our Green Team Initiative and garden club in school and during summer break.
Our Vision
To give Hamtramck residents to access to agriculture in an urban setting, through hands on learning. We strive to create new stewards of the land through our educational programs. Our goal is to teach children the skills of gardening and to value nature as an asset to everyday life.
A bit more about us..

Tiny Acres meets the Press!
Grants Awarded
The BEE Green Fund through Recycle Here!
2 Charter One Growing Communities Grant
Hamtramck Soup
USDA hoop house initiative
DCM Detroit Lions Grant
The Nature Conservancy School Gardens Grant
Emerging Farmers Grant
Michigan Community Resources Alliance Grant