Events & Workshops
Check out what's going on and be in the loop. From participating in the neighboorhood arts fest, rocking out to some jams by local artist at the Tiny Acres Farmers Maket, teaching envrionmental education at the farm or our regular back yard potluck bbq's.....

Girls Rock Detroit Tiny Acres Workshop
Girks Rock Detroit has created a non-profit summer camp for girls between the age of 8-16 years of age. The camp will be the week of July 13th-18th 2015. Campers will create music and form bands, and have a blowout concert at the end of camp, to showcase their new talent. There will also be workshops which include urban farming, self defense, team building, activism and zine making. Tiny Acres will be hosting a workshop on how "To dig in, get dirty and grow". We look forward to teaching yet another container gardening workshop in 2016!

Tiny Acres Hamtramck Farmers Market
Pop up Markets will be scattered about for the 2018 season, and may return for special neighborhood events in 2024.

Environmental Cirriclulum
This year we will be teaching the interactions of pollination from wind, animals, bees, etc... We will also be supplying our classes with 2 mushroom growing kits supplied by Back To Roots and purchasing two aquaponic systems for our classrooms as well!
We will also be starting mini green houses to sprout tomato plants, peppers and more that can be taken home to grow in your own backyard.
Who lives at the Farm? This will involve close observation of bugs, birds and more. As well as, walking around the farm like a rabbitt to see what sticks to a rabbits fur, and where it ends up.

Hamtramck Neighboorhood Arts Festival
Artist, musicians, and writers in Hamtramck activate to create a festival that celebrates the unique qualities of the neighborhood and its arts community.